Please remember that I have daytime commitments, so my availibility is limited. Also because of this I do not travel. I am most happy to meet you in Budapest! I make an exception for Vienna, but in this case (actually in all cases) long notice is absolutely necessary.
Please note that meetings starting after 7PM can NOT be accomodated.
Discretion is of utmost importance. We both have a busy and active life outside of this. We are here to experience something that normally would not happen. We cherish what we have built up in our lives and we respect each other’s privacy.
My busy professional life obliges me to protect my confidentiality, as well as yours.

Donation etiquette
Please, upon my arrival kindly place my donation within view. If our meeting occurs in public, (which is my absolute preference) please have your gift placed inside a book or a magazine and hand it to me discreetly. Thank you for not making me ask for it.
Background Check
I am fully independent, which mean I have to check myself who is requesting a booking. Internet is like the wild west, you cannot just trust things blindly. No more than you want me to be the one in the pictures, do I want you to be the gentleman you say you are. Please make everything easier by giving me the information I need to feel comfortable and excited to meet you. This should be painless and I guarantee total discreteness as per above. Thank you.
Your safety and comfort are my top priorities. That’s why I take background checks seriously. It might seem like an extra step, but here’s the thing: peace of mind goes a long way for both of us.
Date GFE escort Budapest
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